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Don't Ignore Your Intuition Even Though It's Quiet

I found this on someone's Facebook post and it applied so well to my 40-year travel dreams. It has to do with following your heart, and not giving up just because you're living a life with responsibilities. Even though it can be really, really hard, sometimes you have to take the train off the tracks for a while.

And that means being unsettled and challenged, living out of your comfort zone, and sacrificing certain things in order to get there. Anthony Bourdain's travel advice is to sleep on floors. He said that's the best way to get to know places, people, and most importantly, yourself. While we haven't slept on floors, we've had many uncomfortable and challenging moments. These times have taught us, all of us, that we are capable of much more than we realized.

"Anything you want to experience, you can figure out a way to make it happen. Don’t let other people’s fears hold you back from things you want to do just because they can’t figure it out. It doesn’t mean you can’t. If someone else has done it, so can you. Don’t ignore your intuition even though it’s quiet." Ignoring your inner voice only makes it louder.


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